The postgraduate programme leading to the award of the Master of Arts spans four (4) academic semesters, including the time for the preparation of the thesis.
Postgraduate students may submit a reasoned request for an extension of studies. Thus, the maximum time allowed for the completion of studies is set at six (6) academic semesters. If this time limit is exceeded, the postgraduate student will be removed from the programme upon the recommendation of the MA Coordinating Committee and the decision of the Departmental Assembly.
The MA does not provide for part-time study.
Postgraduate students may submit a reasoned request for a one-time permission to suspend the attendance of courses or the preparation of the Master’s thesis. The suspension is granted by the Assembly, after the agreement of the MA Coordinating Committee and the supervising professor. The suspension may not exceed two consecutive academic semesters and is provided only in the following cases: (i) maternity, (ii) fulfilment of military service; and (iii) exceptional grounds of ill-health demonstrated by a medical certificate from a public health authority. The minimum period of suspension may not be less than one academic semester. The period of interruption of the postgraduate student’s MA studies does not count towards the total duration of studies.